Life, ADHD & Stress Management

Let me walk with you, as I guide you to choose a life of purpose and meaningful possibilities.

I believe there is this power within every human. We are not perfect, none of us are, but we have the power to grow, improve, and choose a meaningful and fulfilling life. We all deserve this regardless of our age, past and present circumstances, and brain wiring. 

With my 14 years of experience, and with the highest credentials in the coaching field, I can certainly help you. I am a trained and certified coach in the fields of ADHD and neurotypical (standard) coaching. 

I work worldwide and coach in 3 languages: French, English, and Arabic.

~ Naïma Laraki



Life & Leadership Coaching

Life coaching helps you identify what you want personally and professionally and then, supports you in achieving your goals. A life and professional coach can help you transform your entire life or work on a specific topic or goal. A life and professional coach offers an unbiased view and stretches you to live at your highest potential.


ADHD Coaching

ADHD coaching has the same advantages than life and professional coaching with one significant additional element which is the science and the knowledge used by the ADHD coach during the coaching sessions. ADHD coaching aims at educating you about your unique brain, becoming aware of how ADHD is impacting your life, uncovering your strengths and empowering you to find strategies, solutions and actions that suit you brain wring in order to thrive with your ADHD.


Stress Management Coaching

Stress management coaching is an energy management concept that empowers you to better manage your energy. You and the coach/mentor work together to explore where you may be draining your energy and depleting your reserves. You will acquire skills and tools that can help you stop your energy drains, build your energy gains and get back in synch right in the moment.  At NL Coach we are using the HeartMath stress program.

Workshops & Conferences

In  construction


Reach Me


I am so grateful to Naima for the incredible transformations I have been able to make in my life over the past 6 months of working together. Naima is so caring, attentive and easy to open up to. She also does an excellent job of tackling the practical and emotional challenges I am facing. 

Coaching gave me the time and space to brainstorm ways to solve big problems with simple strategies specific to my needs and abilities. Coaching has helped me put into place schedules and routines that I can actually maintain. My homework is organized, my house is clean and I actually have guilt-free spare time for the first time in my life. With Naima’s guidance, I was even able to thrive with online university courses during covid-19.

One of the best parts of working with Naima has been learning about myself. By getting to know my strengths, I have been able to start accepting myself, gaining confidence and letting my strengths guide me. This has had a ripple effect into my relationships, friendships and work life. Once I realized I actually had a lot to offer, I was able to set boundaries and not overcommit myself. 

I have tried so many other psychologists and organizational/self help trends but have never experienced anywhere near the success, confidence and life balance changes than when I worked with Naima. I would highly recommend coaching with her for anyone, especially those with ADHD like myself!


Meeting Naima has been one of the most important milestones in my life. I came from a family that did not believe in mental health diagnoses, services or treatment. Naima has been a wellspring of support, compassion and empathy on my journey since being diagnosed with ADHD.

She has shown incredible patience and understanding. Her belief in me has been unwavering, as is her commitment to finding solutions and overcoming obstacles. Her enthusiasm and positivity is both inspiring and infectious. I don’t know where I would be without her. I cannot recommend her enough to anyone out there who needs support coping with ADHD.


“Naima’s warm heart and wonderful smile welcome you every time. She listens with empathy and asks simple yet powerful questions. She is resourceful and goes the extra mile to guide and support whenever needed. I met Naima  when I was at the lowest point in my life; I felt alone and unmotivated. it feels like ages ago. We work together diligently on my expectations and perceptions. We discussed emotional and mindfulness practices. One day at a time, Naima was there beside me. All those efforts materialized in my life’s trajectory focusing on development of hope, motivation and unconditional love. I will always be grateful to Naima.”


I have known about Naima coaching activities for some time on social networks and through school announcements regarding parenting workshops.

I must say I was skeptical on how much help you can obtain from this type of support thinking that I should resort to myself to resolve my problems. It was therefore in desperate situation that I decided to call her to ask her if she could do anything to help streamlining relationship within my family. Today, I can say that it was a good decision.

I have found Naima to be a catalyst to analyze my situation, realize my priorities and accept things which cannot be changed. Naima has helped me to explore some features of my childhood which drive my behavior and perception of people and things. This had helped me to moderate my expectations from others and to better focus on defined objectives.

Additionally. Naima is a friendly lady, putting people at ease and making coaching a pleasant and useful.

Kamal Kabbaj

Naima has a special gift of knowing what’s bothering you and uses

Insights, intuition and useful exercises to help you work through your challenges, heal your wound and be grateful to the universe for the challenge (she will help you to see it as a gift) you received and the Opportunity to learn from it.

A talented gem and true healer, she connects with you and transforms you from a wounded soul into a whole person again through her heart, humour, intuition, energy and infinite wisdom

In one year, Naima helped me work through a painful relationship and realize that it was a gift designed to push me to re-connect with my true self. I now see the challenge as a blessing and am grateful (no longer angry) for it

Above all, I am grateful that I was able to work with Naima and I wish for you the same blessing.

Sonia Santolin

When Naima and I met many changes were unfolding in my life in Abu Dhabi, both in my personal and professional life .

She helped me to focus on the things I could change, culminating in exam success which gave me ultimately the confidence to build a successful business in the UK on my return in 2010.

Naima also showed me how to trust my creative and resourceful husband, not to try to solve his problems but play a supportive role.

Thanks to Naima I am now following my life purpose, and as a family we are happily settled in UK .


I’ve never been so happy to meet someone!  Naima opened my eyes to a unique perspective, which is to put oneself in the shoes of others, have empathy and above all listen to what is around us, in order to better understand what happens to us and finally fix our own problems.

If I had to summarize my three years coaching with Naima in a few words, they would be: Empathy, understanding, openness, no judgment, freedom of expression, and figuring out that taking one step back and 2 forward is not a disaster but dancing cha-cha with life. The strength is in us, no need to look for it somewhere else.

Nawal Errachid

We would like to thank you for your coaching with Mila. You helped Mila blossom. Her self-confidence did a 180 degree. Thank you for encouraging her to pursue her dreams. Mila has always been our ray of sunshine and joy. Her transformation warms our hearts.

Mila – University Student

N&B Gendron – Canada

With Naima’s help, I was able to identify specific goals and attain them. She gave me practical tools to help manage my ADD. She also gave me the chance to know myself better by reflecting on my values and what brings me joy. I greatly recommend her coaching services.

Marie B. – Leader – Canada

I’ve been working one-on-one with Naïma for several months now and I can’t recommend her services highly enough. With her guidance I’ve learned not only how my ADHD affects me in ways I was previously unaware, but also has provided me with invaluable tools and techniques for tackling the daily challenges that come with the disorder.

As a writer she has helped me create a system of accountability that has greatly improved my consistency in meeting deadlines and commitments. Naima’s warm, kind and empathetic approach with her clients is one of her many strengths. She really “get it” when it comes to living a life with ADHD. Her first-hand experience with the disorder, as well as her vast training in a variety of coaching areas, make he an ideal fit for someone looking for an ADHD coach. Working with Naima has been a game-changer in my life and cannot recommend her services highly enough

Writer – Los Angeles